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Configuring SIP Transfer
  • 06 Dec 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Configuring SIP Transfer

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Article Summary

To transfer callers to Mindful Feedback via SIP, you will need to configure several items in Genesys Cloud:

  • A Secure Call Flow in Genesys Architect to set UUI data and transfer calls to Mindful Feedback
  • An Agent Script to provide a button for agents to transfer calls to the Secure Call Flow

The following should already be configured in your Genesys Cloud environment:

  • A SIP Trunk to Mindful Feedback
  • An outbound call route that uses the configured SIP trunk
  • A phone number configured in the dial plan to use the outbound route

Use the steps in this article to complete the required configuration.

1. Acquire a SIP Survey Token

To configure the Secure Call Flow, you will need the SIP Survey Token for the survey you wish to play after transferring a call to Mindful Feedback. You can find this token in the Mindful Feedback user interface at Surveys > Your survey > Advanced tab:

Screen capture of Survey Advanced tab with Sip survey token/UUID section highlighted

  • Your Mindful Feedback representative may have provided you with this SIP Survey Token already. If you do not have access to the Survey Management page and you need your token, contact the Mindful Feedback team.
  • If you need to generate a token for a new survey, click Generate token next to the SIP survey token / UUID field.

2. Configure a Secure Call Flow

Create a new Secure Call Flow to accomplish two tasks:

  1. Set UUI data on the call before transferring (blind) to Mindful Feedback.
  2. Transfer the call to Mindful Feedback with the UUI data attached.

Use the following steps to create the Secure Call Flow.

Screen capture of Secure Call flow

Set UUI Data Block

In Genesys Cloud Architect, add a new Secure Call Flow.

Within the new call flow, add a Set UUI Data for Transfer block and configure it with an expression in the following format:

"SDX-survey_sip_token:<sipsurveytoken>;SDX-external_ref:" + Call.ConversationId + ";SDX-respondent_language:en-US"

UUI Parameters

Mindful Feedback expects the UUI Data string to contain attributes with a prefix of SDX-, which it will parse when the call arrives. The required and optional attributes are explained in the following table:

UUI Data KeySDX AttributeDescription
SDX-survey_sip_tokenN/AREQUIRED. This is used to tell Mindful Feedback which survey to play when the call arrives. The SIP Survey Token can be found or generated on the Survey Management page.
SDX-external_refexternal_refBEST PRACTICE. Set this to the Genesys Cloud conversation ID. You can use the external_ref attribute to sync data from Genesys Cloud (agent, queue, wrap-up, etc.) onto the survey interaction record.
SDX-respondent_languagerespondent_languageOPTIONAL. You can use this to set the language of the survey if needed.
SDX-call_typecall_typeEXAMPLE. You can add this and other attributes via UUI data, but this is not recommended. Attributes will sync from Genesys Cloud after the survey via the external_ref (Conversation ID) attribute. However, in some cases, it is useful to pass other data at the time of transfer so the survey can programmatically alter its flow.

The following example shows a complete expression with SDX-survey_sip_token, SDX-external_ref, and SDX-respondent_language parameters:
Screen capture of Edit expression section


If you want to play a different survey for a different queue, you can set the SIP Survey Token in the call flow to a variable and append the value to the UUI Data string. You can see this method being used with the Call.ConversationId variable in the example UUI expression in this article.

The same process would apply to setting the required language or other attributes.

IMPORTANT: Language Codes

The Mindful Feedback language code does not match the Genesys Cloud language code. For example, in Genesys Cloud, US English is represented with a code of "en-us", whereas Mindful expects "en-US".

Some programmatic conversion of the customer language will be required in the Secure Call Flow before setting therespondent_language attribute in the Set UUI Data block.

For more information, refer to our API documentation for supported languages and language codes.

Transfer to Number Block

After the Set UUI Data block, add a Transfer to Number block to transfer the caller to the SDX SIP endpoint via the configured number. The example call-flow screenshot above shows 10000 as the SIP endpoint.

3. Configure an Agent Script

Create a new agent script, or edit an existing script, to enable agents to transfer callers to the survey by clicking a button. In the script, add a button and set the button's action to Invoke Secure Flow with the following configuration:

  • Secure Flow: Select the call flow configured in the earlier steps.
  • Flow Data Field: You can select any field here. It is required but not used.
  • Button > Text: Add a descriptive label for the button, such as "Transfer to Survey" or "End Call".
Screen capture of Genesys Cloud Invoke Secure Flow process

That's it for the SIP transfer from Genesys Cloud to Mindful! Your agents should now be able to click a button to transfer customers to SDX for survey treatment when a conversation ends.

Next step: Conversation Polling

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