- 12 Jan 2024
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Check Widget Status
- Updated on 12 Jan 2024
- 1 Minute to read
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The ID of the widget to check
(Optional) Represents the supported time zone values of either the UTC offset in minutes or the time zone name. The time_zone parameter is used to format the appointment-time and projected-answer-time components in the response message for the client’s local time zone. If left blank, the response message will return times in the UTC time zone.
Successful response
The current state of the Widget
The API message configured for the Call Target's current conditions and state
Indicates whether the Widget is offering ASAP callbacks or not
Indicates whether the widget is offering scheduled callbacks or not
The ECBT for the associated Call Target, in seconds. If null, then the widget or associated Call Target is in a state where ECBT is not relevant
A list of appointment times available for scheduling a callback. Appointment times are listed in UTC and represented as Unix timestamps.